Niketas, proedros and doux of Antioch
Los 3304
Niketas, proedros and doux of Antioch, middle 11th century. Seal (Lead, 29 mm, 16.59 g, 12 h). MHP - ΘV; in fields, ...-ΠOIOC The Mother of God “Hodegetria”, nimbate, wearing chiton and maphorion, pointing with her right hand towards Infant Christ seated on her left arm. Rev. ΘKЄ R,Θ, / NIKHTA / ΠPOЄΔPⲰ / KAI Δ૪KI / ANTIO/XЄIAC in six lines, cross above. Laurent, Orghidan 198 (corr.). Some marks, scratches and striking weakness, otherwise, good very fine.

Our seal allows for Laurent's reading of the reverse legend to be corrected by showing that Niketas was proedros, not protoproedros. In fact, this correction makes Laurent's identification of the seal's owner as the brother of the emperor Michael IV more plausible, as Natascha and Werner Seibt remark in their review of Laurent. Unfortunately, on our seal only the latter part of the Virgin's epithet (-poios) is preserved. The poorly preserved parallel Orghidan seal does not help in reading the legend. She may have been named Nikopoios (bearer of Victory) or Eirenopoios (bearer of Peace).
75 CHF
240 CHF
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